Online by Zoom and Live at HEIA-FR, Route des Arsenaux 41, 1700 Fribourg, room Ars3.383, Friday 30.8.2024 09.00 – 16.30
Organised by GeoDev Sàrl et ITEC-HEIA Fribourg
Also celebrating 39 years of ZSOIL
Registration is open now: Registration form
Numerical simulation in geomechanics, constitutive aspects, soil-structure interaction and associated structural analysis with emphasis on present and future engineering practice: theory, applications, case studies, failure analyses, optimisation, probabilistic approaches.
The symposium combines invited presentations, and contributions by ZSOIL users and others. It has been taking place every year in late summer over the past twenty years, at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, in Lausanne and newly at Haute Ecole d’Ingénierie et d’Architecture de Fribourg.
10' S. Commend (GeoDev). Welcome address
20’ G.W. Byun (EG Soft): Stability of Corner Strut System in Deep Excavation
20’ Yi Zhang (Eiffage), S. Commend, G. Jacot-Descombes (GeoMod). Probabilistic approach – application to the interaction between TBM and piles in the L16-1 project
20’ M. Borgers (Illwerke). Tunnel cross passage joint block in anhydrite containing rock
20’ C. Strobl (IGT). Pre- and post- processing tools using Rhino and Python
10h30-11h00: coffee break
20’ A. Truty, K. Podles (GeoDev). Arbitrary and moving loads/masses in ZSoil 2025
20’ M. Preisig (GeoMod). 3D model of a deep excavation in urban environment, prediction and measurements
20’ T. Kazerani (BG-WSP). On the use of heat exchangers
12h00-14h00: lunch break
20’ C. Buchs, K. Podles, S. Commend (GeoDev). A new graphical user interface for probabilistic, sensitivity and reliability analysis within ZSoil 2025
20’ R. Maye, R. Obrzud (K+F). Examples of effective team-oriented workflow to tackle large scale simulations of soil-structure interaction projects developed in ZSoil
20’ M. Delage, G. Jacot-Descombes (GeoMod). Update on modeling wood joints and structures with ZSoil
15h00-15h30: coffee break
20’ Y. Ji (SGI). Analysis of the Influence of TOD (Transit-Oriented Development) Project on the Urban Railway Station under construction
20’ K. Lisewska, M. Cudny (Gdańsk University of Technology), A. Truty (Cracow University of Technology). Incorporating cross-anisotropic small strain stiffness kernel into the Hardening Soil-Brick model
20’ S. Kivell. What's new within ZSoil 2025?
17h00-19h00: cocktail dinner
Engineers and developers confronted with the need to perform accurate numerical simulations or optimisations for complex underground, above ground or combined constructions have an opportunity to exchange experience, see state of the art presentations of recent case studies and get a comprehensive introduction to numerical simulations in 2D or 3D, with ZSOIL, in dry or partially saturated rock or soil, with full structural capabilities, soil-structure interaction, interfaces, thermal effects, ultimate load evaluation, continuous safety assessment, including creep, swelling, dilation, dynamics, uncertainty quantification with UQlab etc.
ZSOIL is a user-friendly 2D/3D finite element package for soil, rock and soil-structure analysis available and used worldwide since 1985, and continuously upgraded. The program was developed at Zace Services Ltd, by a team of engineers with research experience at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, UC Berkeley, California Institute of Technology, Purdue University, Cracow University of Technology, Stanford University and UC Davis. The aim is to provide civil engineers with a simple tool to accurately support geomechanical and structural engineering analysis, dimensioning and optimisation. Since ZSOIL first came out in 1985 it has steadily gained worldwide acceptance among practitioners as well as teachers and researchers. Today, upto ten free student versions are downloaded every day.
FEE: 200 CHF (free for speakers & HEIA Fribourg affiliates, 50% discount for ZSOIL owners, 10 CHF for students). Registration required.
Please prepay to GeoDev Sarl, Epinettes 32, 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland
Payment in CHF to : CREDIT SUISSE (Suisse) SA, CH-1001 Lausanne,
account n° 1294343-91, IBAN CH51 0483 5129 4343 9100 0, BIC/SWIFT CRESCHZZ80A
with mention “ZSOIL symposium”, and your name and affiliation